The following new articles have just been published in BMC Pediatrics

The following new articles have just been published in BMC Pediatrics

Research article   Interrelationships between BMI, skinfold thicknesses, percent body fat, and cardiovascular disease risk factors among U.S. children and adolescents
Freedman D, Ogden C, Kit BBMC Pediatrics 2015, 15 :188 (18 November 2015)
Abstract | Full text | PDF

Research article   Improving transgender health by building safe clinical environments that promote existing resilience: Results from a qualitative analysis of providers
Torres C, Renfrew M, Kenst K, Tan-McGrory A, Betancourt J, López LBMC Pediatrics 2015, 15 :187 (18 November 2015)
Abstract | Full text | PDF

Research article   A randomized controlled trial of hospital versus home based therapy with oral amoxicillin for severe pneumonia in children aged 3 – 59 months: The IndiaCLEN Severe Pneumonia Oral Therapy (ISPOT) Study
Patel A, Bang A, Singh M, Dhande L, Chelliah L, Malik A, Khadse S, ISPOT Study GroupBMC Pediatrics 2015, 15 :186 (17 November 2015)
Abstract | Full text | PDF



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